Our Mission
The Auxiliary of Francis House is a volunteer organization dedicated to the promotion and support of the mission of Francis House. The Auxiliary has proudly served Francis House since 1992, one year after Francis House first opened its doors. Almost thirty years after its inception, the Auxiliary continues to benefit Francis House. Comprised of approximately 300 members, it is led by a volunteer Board of Directors who oversee more than 14 committees.
There are many ways to support The Auxiliary of Francis House!
Auxiliary Membership
Please email Ann Marie Warner at awarner6506@gmail.com or Kim Caldwell at kimc1125@outlook.com if you’re interested in membership or to learn more about the group. Members can join one of the many committees and learn of opportunities to assist with Francis House events.
NEW! You can purchase a membership online via credit or debit card!
Become A MemberPurchase items to support Francis House
Visit our Square store (link) to purchase items form the Auxiliary to benefit Francis House.
If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Houk, Marketing Chair, at FrancisHouseAux@gmail.com.
The Auxiliary Board of Directors
Melissa Braun, President
Fran Albala, Vice President
Liz Griffith, Treasurer
Marion Rogers, Assistant Treasurer
Kate Bushnell, Secretary
Anne Palermo, Immediate Past President
Cathy Bonacci
Alicia Burgun
Kim Caldwell
Kathleen Conway
Mary Beth Davis
Patte DeStaffan
Barb Houk
MaryAnn Juliano-Harris
Lisa Kanerviko
Carol Marshall
Sue Petrocci
Amanda Riley
Katie Romagno
Denise Usherwood
Ann Marie Warner
Staff Advisors
Jillian Trionfero
Emily Minnoe