How do I visit someone at Francis House?
When residents come to Francis House, our house becomes their home. Visiting hours are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Residents and guests may spend time in all the common areas of Francis House. If residents are able, they may also go outside and enjoy our porch, patio, or gazebo. Caregivers are present 24-hours a day.
Visitation policy:
- Visitors must sign in and out when visiting Francis House. This is essential for safety/fire purposes.
- Visitors are expected to be respectful of all residents and their visitors.
- Caregivers may ask visitors to leave a resident room while performing resident care duties. All visitors must comply with these requests.
- Offering a peaceful environment and maintaining the health, wellness, and safety of our residents, caregivers, staff, and visitors, are our highest priorities.